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データ更新日 2013.12.20


Guessing Game                  2013/6
Day After Forever      CR Dec-2012
For the Love of Julian       CR Mar-2011
The Wrong Memory       2013/8/1
Exception to the Rule             2013/6/20
Day After Forever               2012/11/28
For the Love of Julian             2011/3/15
Furlough to Love      R Aug-2011
Stand-in For a Memory      R Sep-2010
Sterling's Rules      CR Nov-2011
Tempting Offer         R Oct-2005
Treasures of the Heart    CR Jun-2011
With Regrets, Adam       CR Aug-2011
The Yearning Heart      GF Aug-2011
Spirited Rebel                 2003/12
Miracles Take Longer     HAR-7 CR May-1983 ・・・奇跡は待たないで
In the Eyes of Love     HAR-18 CR Aug-1983 ・・・愛のまなざし
Love Is a Fairy Tale     HAR-55 CR May-1984 ・・・砂漠の風のように
Measure of Love    HAR-82 CR Dec-1984
Someone Else's Heart     HAR-94 CR Mar-1985
From This Day       HAR-111 CR Jul-1985 ・・・ビー・ストロング
Where Fires Once Burned HAR-124 CR Oct-1985 ・・・メモリー
Night Shadows      HI-12 RS Feb-1985・・・夜のデュエット

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